I’m a
Marketing Expert
interested in humans and the power of stories
Ideas are worthless without execution. I’m a writer, storyteller, and marketing expert with 8 years of professional experience. Whether it’s magazine features, critical reviews, marketing copy, or even animated sketch comedy scripts, I’ve pretty much done it all, both behind and in front of the camera. Interested in making the world a better place.
(209) 354 - 8631
I am a skilled communicator and relationship builder, which helps me build the cross-functional relationship needed to build Go-to-Marketing campaigns and messaging. I am an expert at translating complex technical jargon into stories consumers can get excited about.
Though I specialize in global campaigns, a central part of good campaign marketing is demand generation and vigilant reporting. If I don’t know my campaigns, ICP, and KPIs (leads, opps, MRR, etc.) the campaign simply cannot succeed. I’m all about testing and tweaking to get the formula right.
Demand generation is just a small part of what I do. In order to create truly successful integrated campaigns, one must be a top-tier project manager. Wrangling data, insights, and other deliverables can feel like herding cats. But truly integrated campaigns that can be adopted and scaled across regions are the bedrock of enterprise marketing.
Fun fact: the never-ending quest to have marketing prove direct ROI is the longest running circus in US history. No but really, getting the right data and actually having the time to make adjustments before moving onto the next program is a familiar beast for marketers. In the absence of clear data, I like to take snapshots from different parts of the story and turn them into a collage that successfully communicates progress to executive leaders, while providing micro-level insights that allow other teams to fine-tune for maximum success. (Charles Dickens wrote this sentence. He made $500 if you adjust for inflation.)
I’ve written for magazines, I’ve been an established theatre critic (did you know they let you drink wine during plays now?) and I’ve even written and filmed sketches for an animated sketch comedy show Yo! Banana Boy! which is currently in conceptual stages. If you’re a producer looking for the next surrealist comedy experience, hit me up for the pitch deck!
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